PHALANX - In ancient Greece, a group of heavily armed infantry soldiers formed in ranks and files, close and deep, with shields joined together and long spears overlapping. This formation (The Phalanx) was proven effective in many battles fought by the Spartans, especially when they were out-numbered, hence the modern-day movie "300". On many occasions, Spartan soldiers were tasked to protect kings on long journeys from thieves, enemies and assassins. If faced with an attack, the Spartan soldiers would form a protective shield with their bodies around the king.
Fast forward to the 20th Century and the modern day "Spartan / Executive Protection Agent". Much like its predecessor, the modern day Executive Protection Agent uses similar protection tactics and strategies in protecting his/her client from potential dangers. Whether it be protection formations, such as the classic "Diamond Formation" EP agents are skilled operators in providing effective close protection to their clients.

CALL (770) 742-5269 / (352) 718-0995

PHALANX, is one of the top security training academies in the United States; specializing in Executive, Dignitary, Celebrity Protection, Firearms Training and Qualification, Close Quarter Combat, Private Detective/Investigations, Security Guard (Armed/Unarmed), Church Security, Cyber Security, Emergency Tactical First Aid, TASER, Handcuffing, Baton, OC Pepper Spray and more.....
Our instructors are some of the BEST in the business with decades of experience in Close Protection, Law Enforcement, Security, Military, Private Investigations, Surveillance, Martial Arts, and more.

PHALANX is one of the most respected training academies in the world; with affiliates in over 60 countries worldwide, to include, but not limited to: Greece, Puerto Rico, India, Pakistan, Kenya, Norway, Canada, Taiwan, Brazil, Italy, Germany, Philippines, Russia, Congo, New Zealand, Serbia, United Kingdom, Israel, Spain, Mexico, Japan, France, Saudi Arabia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Laos, Denmark, Iceland, Belgium, Switzerland, Hungary, Serbia, Uganda, Egypt, Italy, Morocco, Algeria, Barbados, Bahamas, Africa, China, Turkey, Finland, Korea, Jordan, Hungary, UAE, US Virgin Islands, Japan, British West Indies, Caicos Islands, Singapore, Lagos, Jamaica, Trinidad/Tobago, and Sri Lanka.
Since “9/11”, the security industry has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry with Executive Protection at the top of the list. Corporate CEO’s, Executives, Foreign Dignitaries, Heads of State, Celebrities in the Music/Movie industry, and the Rich & Famous live lives that often require the services of highly-trained and skilled protection agents. The Mission of this organization is to provide you with the needed training, skills and knowledge necessary to be effective and successful in your chosen field in the security industry, and to provide high-end, quality training to students that continue to seek advancement in the field of security and personal protection. We welcome you to what we believe will be the beginning of a challenging, rewarding and prosperous career in the field of Executive Protection. Our State Certified Instructors are some of the BEST in the industry and come from various backgrounds, to include: Law Enforcement, Military, Security, Special Operations and Teaching fields, with over 20 years experience working in the industry.

FACTS: We offer one of the most complete, comprehensive Executive Protection training programs in the United States; Bar-None! Using the SGC or Small Group Concept allows our students to comprehend, absorb and retain more information, learn faster, and engage in more one-on-one time with our instructors. This course includes classroom academic and hands-on practical training designed to enhance the overall training experience for the student, to include performing Attack on Principal details. Using techniques and methodologies from the U.S. Secret Service, Israeli Protective Services and over 100 years of combined real-world experience from our world-class instructors. We offer real-world training to deal with today's current threats. Many of our graduates have gone on to become very successful protection agents in the music, movie and corporate industries, and open successful security and private detective companies of their own.

All blocks of instruction are reinforced with hands on practical exercises, test and reality based training scenarios.
TEAMWORK: Students are formed into 5 man teams. Teams compete against each other during the duration of the course. After-Action-Reviews are conducted to evaluate the performance of each student and team after completion of their assigned details. Teams are closely evaluated on overall performance and mission execution from start to finish. Special awards and recognition is given to the team who scores the highest upon graduation with the "Top Gun Team Award". The "student" receiving the highest individual course score will receive the Top Gun Award and "Honor Graduate" status, which is also reflected on his/her credentials. EP Honorees. This academy continues to provide unsurpassed training in the field of Executive Protection, earning a coveted spot in www.bodyguardcareers.com Top 20 Bodyguard Schools in the United States.

Course hours are transferable to a Criminal Justice or Security Administration Degree. Our Academy is Commissioned by the Georgia Education Commission, which means we are exempt from the requirements needed for traditional Technical Schools and Universities, because our curriculum is governed by the Georgia Secretary of State Office, Board of Private Detectives and Security Agencies. Our Academy is exempt from regulations by the Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (NPEC), and approved by the Executive Director.

Select courses are approved through the Georgia Board of Private Detective and Security Agencies which regulates security training throughout the State of Georgia. Courses are taught by State Certified Classroom/Firearm Instructors with years of experience. State Certified Certificates are issued in the areas
of Private Detective/Investigations, Armed/Unarmed Security Guard and Firearms training.
The quality and legitimacy of a certification is determined by the standards used to govern the program, quality of curriculum and the reputation of the institution that issues the certification. Our courses are designed and taught to the highest standards in the industry, to include our dedication to quality training.
Our EPS (Executive Protection Specialist) designation and credentials are heavily weighted and recognized throughout the industry, nationally and internationally.
Proper certification and solid credentials demonstrate to the employer or client, the agent's level of Knowledge, Skill, Training, Expertise and above all, a commitment to Excellence, Professionalism and
History of the institution awarding the certification.
PHALANX has a rich history of Excellence and offers in-depth study into the art of Executive Protection to satisfy the students' knowledge base, hands-on training to enhance the student's overall skill level and
intense training throughout the course to satisfy and/or exceed the students' expectations.
Your credentials can be verified at any time by contacting our main office.



The credentials, certificates and diploma's that our students receive are of the highest quality and heavily weighted in the security industry. Credentials are professionally prepared with meticulous attention to detail. Each certificate, diploma and credentials are handled with White Glove treatment (Literally), to maintain a fresh, clean, pristine look, and to avoid staining of any kind.
A testament to our (Standard of Excellence), attention to detail and high-quality service to all of our students.
PSA International - IBSS
Dr. Leonard C. Holifield, CPS
U.S. Regional Director, USA
International Protective & Security Academy
Dr. Leonard C. Holifield, CPS
U.S. Regional Director, USA

Tactical Close Combat System
Dr. Leonard C. Holifield, CPS
Chief Instructor, USA
International Bodyguard & Security Services Association
Dr. Leonard C. Holifield, CPS
U.S. Representative/Chief Instructor, USA